
Managed IT Services to Help You Achieve Your Mission

Our team is passionate about being more than just a technology partner. Through an in-depth discovery process, we develop an IT strategy that supports your business and ultimately your mission.


Solution-Centered Services

woman with long hair in black shirt

Managed Services

Multi-layer suite of managed security services powered by the Datapath Security operations Center. Leverage our cybersecurity expertise, and processes to help you prevent, detect and respond.

Network Security

All-in-one IT infrastructure support for organizations that need to supplement existing technical staff or completely outsource IT management. For when your team needs a team – leverage our resources.

woman with long hair in buttoned shirt


Datapath can facilitate and execute everything from disaster recovery audits to complete network refreshes to server migration and storage planning. Talk to us before you start your next big project.


Datapath is there when crisis hits to make sure it never happens again

Debra Hendricks was superintendent for Sylvan Union School District during a major breach and called Datapath for emergency mitigation. We were able to quickly engage with her team and secure precious student data.


Datapath instantly came on board and put every emergency process in to place.

Debra Hendricks, Former Superintendent, Sylvan Union School District


Partnered With Top Tech

Certified Expertise


Industry Insights + Resources

Talk to a member of our team today.